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Change Makers
Also See YASI 06-07event in which some of these tools were used by young people |
The We Can Campaign involves intensive coordinated initiatives by a massive network of grassroots organisations; Oxfam projects partners in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Oxfam South Asia Regional Center wanted to create a toolkit with the objectives of...
Survey Tool / Game In 2009-10, an in-depth survey on the We Can Campaign was conducted in several countries. It had a component called the "Gender Attitude Meter" - a questionnaire administered by trained researchers. This is a simplified pictorial version of the "Gender Attitude Meter", redesigned to be a fun activity that can be used both as a survey as well as an intervention. Change Makers can use this tool with community members as a game. While playing, they can measure if any attitude shifts have taken place, and reinforce positive attitudes where needed. |
Game Change Makers often have to deal with difficult situations, and sometimes it can be a heavy burden. Girls are warned not to dream. Successful Change Makers, however, are able to visualise new, creative and hopeful outcomes for real life problems. Is it a skill that can be learnt and practiced? The kit contains nine small picture cubes representing a range of challenges and opportunities, which must be used to create a story. There are just two rules - it has to be about a woman or a girl, and it has to have a happy or hopeful ending. Different ways of playing the game with friends are described in the accompanying booklet. |
Campaign Documentation This body of work was put together by different analysts as a part of the larger documentation, evaluation and learning processes of the We Can Campaign. Together they are critical and comprehensive reflection on the nature and extent of change that has taken place at the level of the Change Makers - who are at the heart of the campaign. These publications are not among the tools used by Change Makers; they are listed here to provide some context for those who would like to understand the Campaign better. (December '11)Downloadchange making.pdf (5 MB) |
Newsletters As one of many approaches to keep Change Makers engaged, newsletters are being sent directly from respective country secretariats to some of the millions who have signed up. These newsletters, named "Rubaru" (meaning "face-to-face" in Urdu), have been planned as a set of 4 quarterly publications that will capture and share emerging ideas and questions of Change Makers. (volume 6 was sent out in October '11)Download Rubaru Englishvol 1 (633 KB) | vol 2 (481 KB) |
Film, Booklet, Posters This set has been developed as a part of the Campaign plan of "Institutionalising Change"- for board members, principals, and teachers - people who are invested in the well being of children. The film - The boy who slept in class - has been created to initiate a dialogoue with stakeholders, particularly teachers. Characters speak a sort of gibberish language that needs no translation. (October '11)The booklet attempts to explain how domestic violence affects education, and offers practical suggestions on dealing with DV within the school framework. (Mar '10)DownloadBooklet (2.3 MB) |
Volunteers' Guide Books and identity kit Since mid 2010, hundreds of volunteers have been selected to work with other Change Makers in their neighbourhoods. Meeting and community events are conducted to extend dialogues of change to friends, family, relatives and neighbours. This kit is designed to give volunteers an identity, and a structured way to interact with their fellow Change Makers. Volunteers are trained to conduct simple workshops using the Guide Books. (September '10)Download Volunteers Guide Books Vol 1 Hindi (496 KB) |
Film, Flip-Chart and Booklet This tool was developed as a part of the new phase of the campaign. The content is built around Change Makers' case studies, reflecting their experiences, and specific barriers identified through the previous phases of the campaign. Change Makers, old and new, are expected to use these tools within their own communities to continue their engagement and discussions. (Jan '09)Download Related |
Previous tools developed for We Can were primarily focused on rural audiences. There was a need to have tools that would be appropriate for urban, educated audiences, particularly young people. Key approaches for communication design were informed by TF's own outreach work with youth Change Makers. Though this kit has been packaged to be youth friendly, some components are appropriate for older audiences as well. (April '08) |
The Workbooks activities were adapted from the Gender Toolkit (2005) and are designed for rural audiences. Tests by Oxfam partners in Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh found the methodology and images suitable for a "pan Indian" version (2006). The Change Makers' Workbooks are being used by partners in 8 Indian states and in Bangladesh. (April '07) |
A set of 7 posters were created for rural audiences, for raising awareness about the definition of violence ('05-06). These posters were adapted from material originally created by Raising Voices. |
Designed as a small booklet that helps individual Change Makers explore issues leading to gender inequity and spread the message of equal relationships. It also helps Change Makers feel a sense of identity, and of being an important part of a six nation campaign. (Jan '07)Download PreviewsEnglish (CMPassportE.pdf, 708kb) |
This is a set of illustrated cards that is a part of an activity to help participants differentiate between Sex and Gender Roles. Developed for use by youth facilitators at orientation workshops. Download printable version
Selected activities from the Change Makers' Workbooks are conducted with large picture cards to make them usable with larger groups. |
These are experimental computer based activities for use where laptop and projection systems are accessible, (e.g. some urban colleges). The Virtual Power Walk is adapted from a common activity. Participants explore levels of freedom that different people enjoy. The Picture Sorter is a facilitated interactive version of the Change Makers' Workbook activities.
Virtual Power Walk
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