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Diversity in
Also see Change Makers Tools |
Background In early 2009, We Can Campaign representatives from India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan met for a workshop on addressing the problem of fundamentalism. The vision was to evolve a strategy to empower Change Makers to prevent fundamentalist forces from derailing their work in Gender Rights. The DIS kit was designed by late 2009, and pretested in West Bengal (India) and Khulna (Bangladesh) in early 2010. Later that year, it was disseminated to a few campaign partners in India. In early 2012, under the leadership of Oxfam GB, the kit was tested in a wider context in West Bengal, Orissa, Gujarat (India) and Sindh (Pakistan). Data from these tests will be available soon. |
Booklet: "I am One, I am Many" The DIS booklet is in two parts. The first part explains some of the basic ideas through examples and questions. This part can be used by a Change Maker individually, or with a group of friends. If used in a group, the questions form a basis for discussions and sharing. The second part has instruction on several games that can be played using the picture cards. Simple instructions include sum-up statements to reflect on after each game. Most games are played in a small group. DownloadDIS Booklet English (PDF, 1 MB) |
Picture Cards are visual representations of different identities that a person can have. The cards are colour coded into categories - e.g. Gender, Religion, Education, Role in the Family, and more. Each category has different identity-images, and an "Other" card to represent any identity not included in that category. The pack includes a set of blank cards, to be used in one of the games to add to the range of identity-images. DownloadDIS Cards English (PDF, 1 MB) |
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