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Adolescence is a time when many changes take place in the body. Changes which give rise to confusion and curiosity in adolescent minds. For most adolescents there is no reliable source of information which can provide answers to their questions. In such an environment, reproductive health education can be the first step towards their empowerment and towards them making informed choices whenever possible. |
Rural adolescent girls have limited exposure to school education and mass media. This limits their awareness about the body; its functions and responses. In a male dominated society, girls are unable to assert themselves or take control in sexual situations. They often face sexual violence, which can place them at risk of unwanted pregnancies or STD /HIV infection. |
As a teaching aid, this kit would help health workers disseminate information on reproductive health to rural adolescent girls. |
The story and the aids/activities were conceived and developed after extensive research, analysis and field-testing conducted by Thoughtshop Foundation in collaboration with Child In Need Institute. Though the kit has been developed for rural adolescent girls in Bengal, it can be adapted for other languages as well. The kit has been adapted in Hindi (for Care India projects) and is called the Paro Kit. |
What the Champa Kit Contains |
Double sided Poster 18"x36"Side A introduces the kit by talking about self esteem and side B introduces the different body systems. Download English |
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Flipchart One, Champa begins a new journey 8.5" X 10.5", 11 pages spiral bound with full colour illustrations.This flip chart introduces the physical and emotional changes that take place in a girl's body with the start of puberty. Download English
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Flipchart Two, Champa's discovery 8.5" X 10.5", 10 pages spiral bound with full colour illustrations.This flip chart discuses social and health issues related to menstruation; such as the associated myths, how to maintain hygiene during the menstrual cycle, irregular menstruation and white discharge. Download English
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Flipchart Three, Champa learns a secret 8.5" X 10.5", (8 pages) spiral bound with full colour illustrations.This flip chart deals with conception and childbirth. Apart from the biological processes; the flipchart explains how the sex of a child is determined and how it is a matter of chance rather than a curse or blessing on the mother. Download English
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Flipchart Four, Champa glimpses her future 8.5" X 10.5", 8 pages, spiral bound with full colour illustrations.This flip chart deals with the need for family spacing. It covers issues such as the right age for marriage, delaying the birth of the first child, spacing subsequent pregnancies, pre and postnatal care. Download English
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Flipchart Five, Champa increases her knowledge 8.5" X 10.5", 8 pages spiral bound with full colour illustrations.This flip chart focuses on the methods of family spacing including condoms, birth control pills, IUDs, tubectomy and vasectomy. It also mentions the need for protection from STDs/ HIV and the risks of abortion. Download English
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Menstruation Cut-out book 8.5" X 10.5", illustratedThe book contains moving parts including a magnet which represents the egg. It is used to demonstrate how the menstrual cycle happens. Download English
Take-home Leaflet, M&E forms These are not part of the regular kit, because they need to be produced separately considering number of participants involved in the programme.These are optional reminders that can be handed to each young participant at the end of the workshop. They contain the summary of key messages from the flipcharts, as well some questions on each chapter. The participants are guided to personalise their leaflets by writing down their thoughts and answers. Download English
Instruction Manual The manual contains instructions to help educators make best use of the kit. The new English version (2011) comprises instructions for both the Shankar and the Paro / Champa kits. Download